Lights, Camera, ACTION

Celebrating the ACTION taken by the students. 

EMAILS from parents 

Rhea's Action
Hello Devika,

I wanted to inform you about Rhea's action.

We had a celebration for my older son's birthday last weekend. It was an action packed day at a Bowling Alley and lunch afterwards. All children were really excited and hyper.

Amidst all the hype, before starting lunch Rhea asked me for a hand sanitizer. I was very busy monitoring close to 30 children and forgot about the sanitizer. She and her friend Vaanya, did not start their lunch and in fact even told others to wait. Finally, after I gave her the sanitizer, only then she started her lunch.

A lot of credit goes to the unit on "Health" that has been covered so well with children in the class. Thanks a lot!!


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Samarth's Actions

Good Morning Ms. Devika,

Just wanted to share with you these pics of Samarth doing the half marathon with our residents. He completed about 7.5 kms last sunday at 5.30 am. He inspired his mom too who did brisk walking for a one lap of 2.5kms. Kids enthusiasm can inspire adults too!!!!!!!!


Monica Sharma Chopra


Hello Ms. Devika,

I am writing to put in a word of appreciation for the learning happening at school on the benefits of a healthy diet. Samarth has been attending a soccer league wherein a nutritionist used to tell about the need for healthy meals for players. After the reinforcement at school, I can see him making intelligent choices at meal times. He understands when I insist on nuts, fruit and a variety in my families meals. He has been gently coaxing my daughter also to try new foods and not give me grief about it. She responds better if her older brother tries new foods. I now have a more agreeable child and supportive brother since he now understands the nutritional value of eating foods  from different food groups.

Thank you for exposing my child to this line of enquiry. He has really picked up good eating habits and making choices wisely.  He is eating salads and sprouts! Very happy mom indeed.


Monica Sharma Chopra

Krishnansh's Actions

Dear Devika

Would like to thank you for the change this unit
 has brought in Krishnansh. He has become really conscious of what he is eating and shown a significant change in his food choices for the better i.e. towards more nutritious food options against just the tastier options. Even though he was always more of fruits and salads loving child but has a tooth (or shall I say tongue) for sweets and fast food. But thankfully now he is opting out of those choices, resisting his urges for junk munchies and eating out’s.  

Trust to have more of such impact full units going forward. Thanks once again…


Sangeeta A. Khurana

Vedant's Actions
Dear Devika

I would like to thank you for your continuous and initiative shown, especially for creating Vedant's interest in Health + Hygiene related UI.

He has taken following action, which is very very encouraging :

a. After the video shown by you in the class, he has started making not only healthy but very balanced choices while selecting his meals. He has started eating sprouts , salads , vegetables, fruits,almonds  to get more healthy diet.

b. He has increased his milk intake to take more calcium.

c.While going out , he has started avoiding junk food like noodles, pizzas , coke , while has started selecting more healthy options.

d.He has also made a routine to do half an hour exercise daily and has started doing it , as he thinks he needs to loose some weight.

Thank you so much for your help, you are just fabulous to bring in such changes in him.

Thanks & Regards,


Sehraj's Action
Hi Devika
Just wanted to report Sehraj's "action".
He plays cricket everyday in the evening after school and also eats a bowl of cereal in the morning before school.
Earlier he was just drinking a glass of milk before school and watching tv in the evening.
Thank you


Vaanya's Actions
Dear Devika
This is Vaanya's mom and i would like to share some of the responsible actions Vaanya has been taking at home. She makes sure that whenever we leave home to go somewhere that all the fans and lights are switched off. If there is any water leak in the house she puts a bucket under it and uses that water to water the plants. She has also switched to taking shower by bucket instead of using shower as it wastes water.
These are some of the responsible actions she has been taking and we are very proud of her.
Thanks & Regards
Vandana Sharma

Vedika's Actions

Dear Devika,

This is to inform you of some action being taken by Vedika as part of her Unit of Inquiry. Before any meal Vedika checks the menu to ensure that all different types of food like carbohydrates, vitamins, proteins and calcium are present in the meal as part of a healthy meal. Incase of an absent component, she is ensuring that we are adding something to the meal to compensate the gap.


Shahaan's Actions

Dear Devika,
    I wanted to share with you Shahaan's response to the last unit of inquiry on health.
He has become very conscious and aware of the various kinds of food he has during the day . Not only has he cut down on the junk food he used to have earlier but has also started  enjoying fruits and salads.
     I was very happy to see this change so I thought I must let you know about it Thanks&Regards Deepi Sent from BlackBerry® on Airtel


  1. Great job Devika.... love your way of documenting......

  2. Hey Devika you do an amazing job of keep our children reconnected to us. Being a weekly boarder's parent, this blog is doubly important for us!
