Friday 31 August 2012

Prevention is better than cure

The students of Grade 4 are going to begin inquiring about the different kinds of diseases under the Transdisciplinary Theme- Who we are. On 31st of August, 2012, the students had the opportunity to interact with Ms. Caroline Gowlett, a parent and a Clinical Lead Nurse, who spoke to the students about the different kinds of diseases and their prevention. She made the students aware about some common Communicable, Non- Communicable and Lifestyle diseases. She supported her interaction with a PowerPoint Presentation which had a lot of information. Ms. Gowlett focused on the need for hygiene in terms of Hand Wash and how neglecting it can lead to a lot of diseases. The students were enthusiastic to gain information and were excited to ask a lot of questions. The interaction left the students with plenty to ponder over and carry out their personal inquiries on health and diseases. 

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