The kids left for Camp Kalsi in the wee hours of the morning. I am missing out on all the fun and excitement but the teachers who have gone with the kids have been sending me photographs from their journey and all the kids. I am going to update you on the same by uploading the photographs here. I am sure the parents are missing their kids as much as I am. Keep an eye on this page for more!!

Photo credits: Ms. Alka Balain, Ms. Shelly Singh, Ms. Malini Ghosh & Ms. Rishu Jain
Camp Kalsi 

Trekking up the mountain

Teachers on the trek after interaction at the village school
At the village school


Interacting with the village school students

Village school students performing

Morning prayer at a village school


Net climbing

Burma Bridge

At the stream

The teachers :)

The tents

Lunch time

At the station
Sleeping Beauties!

 The Haunted Warriors as they call themselves.

My adorable girls sent me a 'Miss you' photo. Miss you too!

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