That amazing moment when a video touches your heart and moves your soul.
Today saw one such moment in Grade 4 after the viewing of the video' Earth Song' -a song by late Michael Jackson. The students were shown this video as a provocation to the Transdisciplinary Theme- Sharing the Planet. The room was silent and the expressions on the students' faces varied from sadness, worry, shock to amazement. The aftermath of this reaction was a fruitful discussion in class about the theme and the video. The students related the video to the TD Theme by coming up with ideas and topics one could find common in both.
An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; communities and the relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolutions.
Very touching song and perfect for the unit Sharing the Planet. I will also use it for our unit "Sharing the Planet". Thanx